The CEO of CBS, Ahmed Al Kuwaiti, revealed that the number of beneficiaries from the donation campaign with meals and food baskets exceeded 4 thousand members of the Bahraini community, including the beneficiary families, whose number exceeds 165 families who are supported daily with meals and food baskets if available.
Al Kuwaiti stated to Al Watan that the number of families benefiting from the support intermittently has reached 500 families, while the number of expatriate workers has exceeded 2000 individuals.

Total Number of Conserved Meals since the Establishment of CBS
With regard to the new projects, he declared: CBS has activated 4 projects to cover the needs of the families relying on CBS’s support in terms of food security.
The Good Meals was launched; it is the collection of donations to purchase the daily meals of the families benefiting from the support, and the Good Baskets Project, to cover the needs of the beneficiaries of the support with dry foodstuffs, in addition to the project of CBS Credit Card, which is still in preparation. It is a credit card given to the beneficiary families with a value of BD 50 per month; it aims to enable them to buy their basic food necessities.
He indicated that all of these projects aim to bring in donations and buy meals, while committing to CBS’s goal, which is to collect surplus edible food and redirect it to support families and reduce food waste. He also shed light to the importance of collecting donations electronically through the mobile application.
Al Kuwaiti pointed out that CBS seeks to establish an operations headquarters, so that it becomes responsible for storing and redistributing foodstuffs. This headquarters shall be the beating heart of CBS in terms of logistical operations, involvement of volunteers, and employment of Bahraini staff. Al Kuwaiti urged the Bahraini community, individuals and institutions to support CBS to ensure its sustainable contribution to the community.

Notes: Number of expatriate workers that have been supported is 2000.
Number of Beneficiary Families is 165.
Total Number of Individuals is 909.