Bahrain Food Bank

Bahrain Food Bank

Since the outbreak of the Coronavirus Pandemic, the Conserving Bounties Society has been working tirelessly to provide food security for nearly

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10'000 Individuals


1'800 Families


5'000 Expatriates

Number of Conserved Meals

More than 1,920,000 meals

Number of Beneficiaries

More than 1800 families

Food Waste in the Kingdom of Bahrain​

Food waste per capita

0.3 Kg per day

Daily Food Waste

+400,000 Kg per day

Food Waste during the month of Ramadan per day

+600,000 Kg per day

Value of Food Waste per Year

95 Million Bahraini Dinar

Food Waste per Year

146,000 Tons


IBAN: BH95 ABIB 0101 0214 1390 01

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