Ayadi Relief Organization, in cooperation with Conserving Bounties, distributes food baskets to the beneficiaries

ضمن حملة سفره جمعية حفظ النعمة بالتعاون مع جمعية أيادي الإغاثية تتم عملية توزيع 292 سلة غذائية للأسر المستفيدة.

As part of Sofra campaign, CBS, in collaboration with Ayadi Relief Organization, has distributed 292 food baskets to beneficiary families.

In compliance with the directives and instructions of our wise leadership and the medical team to address the Corona virus, and to provide food security for the beneficiary families.

All members and affiliates of CBS would like to thank the efforts exerted by Ayadi Relief Organization, and

the continuous devotion of CBS to contribute to the development of the community and to provide humanitarian aid.


CBS seeks to improve charitable work and to present it professionally, as well as cooperate and communicate with associations and relevant authorities in coordination with the competent government bodies.

CBS plans to create a generation aware of the importance of bounties, and to spread the culture of conserving bounties. CBS shall educate the Bahraini youth about the value of volunteering.

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